Monday, January 2, 2012


My mind, body and spirit are strong.
I take time each day to rejuvenate and re
I draw from a deep well of peace and calm.
I breathe in strength and release my fears.
I go after my heart's deepest desires.
I can accompli
sh anything.
All of my dreams are coming true.

I focus on my goal and have the strength to make it happen.


I choose to be unstoppable.
I am strong.
I act in spite of my fears.
I am bigger than my concerns and worries.
I go for it with gusto!
I can do anything I put my mind to.
Each day I am getting
I take great care of myself.
The strengt
h of others inspires me daily.
I trust my intuition and live a courageous life.

These are the things I tell myself daily to continue my forward journey to a happier, healthier life. I know I have the STRENGTH to continue on.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Sound of MY Breath... a poem!

I listen...
with great attention...
to the sound of MY breath,
as I walk on MY journey...
MY journey to a healthier...
happier life.

If only I could put that sound into words!
I know that sound and it is such a...
a sweet sound,
a sound that I will never forget,
matter of fact,
that sound is what makes MY...
soul thirsty, to do the next walk...
month after month! ----

~ Tony Hatmaker

Thank you Natasha Ria El-Scari for the inspiration to write this poem, it is small, but so big and meaningful to my journey!